V8 Inspector 集成允许将 Chrome 开发工具通过 Chrome Debugging Protocol 连接到 Node.js 实例以进行调试和分析 我想在用下这个调试Node,我将chrome升级到 57.0.2987.133
看相应文档:https://blog.hospodarets.com/nodejs-debugging-in-chrome-devtools?utm_source=javascriptweekly&utm_medium=email To enable it, you have to do the following:
Open the chrome://flags/#enable-devtools-experiments URL
Enable the Developer Tools experiments flag
Relaunch Chrome
Open DevTools Setting -> Experiments tab (it started being visible after the reload)
Press "SHIFT" 6 times (enjoy it ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯) to show the hidden experiments
Check the "Node debugging" checkbox
Open/close DevTools
然而我发现最新版chrome版本并没有此设置:Node debugging,我将chrome版本改为55也是这样的