Job Description:
- Contributing to all aspects of the services under the team’s ownership, which includes design, implementation, refactoring, automated testing, deployment, and uptime of the services.
- Helping other team members grow as engineers through code review, pairing, and mentoring.
- Participate in Code Reviews and support QA initiatives to ensure high-quality delivery
- BS or MS degree in Computer Science / Engineering / or related experience
- Strong analytical and design skills, including the ability to understand business requirements and translate them into efficient and effective technical designs that work well within large-scale, well-structured enterprise environments
- At least 3+ years of hands-on web application development utilizing Java for Web Development purposes, primarily with Spring Framework,Spring Cloud experience is a plus
- Experience in the development of service oriented architecture application, good understanding of Object Oriented Design and Design Patterns
- Devops experience in build CI/CD, branch and release management, day in and day out Test Driven
- Experience with MV* patterned applications using JavaScript frameworks, preferably VUE, React, Angular2
高级 JAVA 工程师
- 全面负责微服务各方面的工作,包括设计,实现,重构,自动化测试,自动化部署,生产环境支持。
- 培养高效的团队协作,进行结对编程,代码审计和培养新队员
- 参与全局的代码审计并且配合QA确保高品质的产出
- 本科以上计算机/软件或者相关学位
- 棒棒的沟通技巧,分析和设计能力,可以直接对接客户并且归纳,分析,总结出技术需求
- 至少3年以上的 JAVA 实战经验,主要是Spring框架相关的经验就最好了
- 充分的OOP理解和良好的OOP设计经验
- 熟悉Docker,K8s等容器类技术,熟悉TDD开发模式,熟练构建CI/CD。
- 熟悉Web前端MV*框架,如VUE,React,Angular2
- 懂产品设计流程,懂团队分工标准,能够独立领导团队敏捷开发
公司简介: 我们运用区块链产业的领先经验和先进技术,为企业级用户提供全面专业的金融服务解决方案和技术支持,包括多边资产管理系统、支付网关、电商平台、交易结算系统、硬件加密安全系统等。实现更公开透明、更有效率、更安全的多中心化信任机制,帮助企业快捷高效地利用区块链技术实现行业升级。
在这里: 老板亲切,氛围轻松,支持你的一切自我学习 每周两次下午茶,从诗词歌赋谈到人生哲学 不定期参与行业活动,了解风口行业最新动态 无限制的科 学 上 网,随你驰骋 每周一天英语日+间歇性英文交流,让你的口语 upup 老司机不定时开车,氛围轻松,高大上的办公环境 坐标深圳市南山区科兴科学园
一切准备就绪!就等你来~ 有意向者请将简历发送至: grinnerluo@fintend.com叮咚!你的 HR 小仙女已上线~~